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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is Why We're Fat

Something that annoys the crap out of me: Mainstream media articles with headlines that imply it is impossible to maintain a healthy weight or lifestyle as we age.

Case in point: Even daily exercise can't keep middle age chub away (MSNBC)

The gist of the article: People who maintained a healthy level of activity gained less weight with age, with the most active study participants logically gaining the least - about 13 pounds less for women and 6 pounds for men.

A quote from the author of the study: ""The study reinforces that everyone needs to make regular activity part of their lifestyles throughout their lives..."

So why does the headline scream, "Don't bother!"? Why reinforce an attitude which discounts responsibility for personal health and wellness.

Better headline: Daily exercise helps cut risk of middle age creep (Reuters)

Of course, this article is missing a very important caveat: Weight loss is only 20% exercise. The other 80% is nutrition, but why ruin a perfectly good diet & weight-loss story with what works?

That's my rant for the day.

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