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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Avoid the Freshman Fifteen

The Freshman 15. It's real - 25% of college freshman gain ten pounds in their first semester of college.

A combination of dorm living, late-night studying and vending machine raids, all-you-can eat cafeteria food, stress and reduced physical activity means that in order to avoid gaining the dreaded 15 (or 20, or 25, or 50), new habits need to be created to deal with the potential pitfalls of college life.

1. Eat a healthy breakfast. Choose eggs, a whole-grain bread/cereal and a piece of fruit for a well-balanced meal. Avoid high-glycemic foods like muffins or bagels and fat-rich items like cream cheese and breakfast sandwiches. They cause a spike in insulin and will lead to a mid-morning crash. Grab a cup of yogurt or a piece of fruit for a between-meals snack.

2. Use the salad bar wisely. Salads are healthy and filling meals when paired with lean protein, plenty of fresh vegetables and olive-oil based dressings. They are calorie landmines when super-fatted with cheese, nuts, croutons and gobs of ranch dressing. A serving of salad dressing is about the size of a golf ball; ranch dressing has about 160 calories per serving. Get it on the side and dip the fork tines in it before spearing a bite.

3. Eat protein. Lean protein sources can be hard to come by in the evening, when late-night hunger strikes. Keep a stash of flavored almonds (24 almonds = 170 calories) and low-fat yogurt (80 calories) in your room to give a healthy protein boost. No, pepperoni and provolone cheese do not count as a protein source after 8pm or after more than one slice of pizza.

4. Use simple calorie-reducing tips. Avoid hamburgers and hot dogs; eat vegetarian meals when possible, using beans, tofu, tempeh or eggs for protein; use ketchup and mustard instead of mayonnaise; drink skim milk and water. Fill half of the plate with veggies, 1/4 with lean protein and 1/4 with whole grains. Take whole fruits and other portable foods (yogurt cups, almonds, baby carrots, snow peas, leftover pizza) along during the day for snacks and breaks.

5. Stay active and rested. Easy to say when life is controlled by class times, homework and/or a psycho roommate. Use the school rec center, walk around campus, run up and down stairs. Take a short nap in the afternoon if nights run late. Show up for only one party this weekend and keep the hangovers to a minimum.

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