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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Stupidest Thing I've Heard (So Far) This Year

I caught a short tidbit on CNN this morning from Travis Stork, one of the hosts of "The Doctors," and author of The Lean Belly Prescription.

This is what he had to say about exercising and being active:

"It's not about going to the gym one can go to the gym every single day [oh, really?] You don't have to go to the gym at all if you don't want to. If you're making three ten-minute calls in a day, get up on your feet while you're making those calls, pace around the house, or go ahead and walk outside while you're talking to mom back at home. Then that's 30 minutes of walking and you've done it and you haven't taken any time out of your day."

You've also not done a damn thing to improve your health or fitness level. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of "moderate-intensity" exercise on most days of the week to maintain health (that is, if you're already at a healthy weight). Walking around the house? Pacing while on the phone? Those things are certainly not going to get your heart rate into the "moderate" range of 50-70% of maximum - i.e., you're slightly breathless and taxed. Your caller would certainly ask why you sound so out of breath.

Obviously, Dr. Stork does not take his own advice, and works out consistently (and likely, at least 6 days a week) given his muscular frame and stature:

Yep, that totally looks like a guy that just paces around his office while on the phone instead of going to the gym. Look at the definition in his pecs! His receiver must be huge!

Get real. And get to the gym.

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